Got this one off Bee and everybody. Two words only, folks...

May 18, 2009 09:52

1. Yourself: Tommy Karras

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: Ziyah Ambrogio

3. Your hair?: Getting cut

4. Your mother: Really uptight

5. Your Father: Best friend

6. Your Favorite Item: The Voisin

7. Your dream last night: vague shadows

8. Your Favorite drink: A Budweiser

9. Your Dream Car: My Humvee

10. The Room You Are In: Guest Room

11. Your Ex: An angel

12. Your fear?: Losing Zee

13. Where you want to be in 10 years?: Safe...alive.

14. Who you hung out with last night?: My fiancee

15. What You're Not: Without Hope

16. Your Best Friend: My dad Sal Vieri

17. One of Your Wish List Items: magic book

18. Favourite scent? clean laundry

19. The Last Thing You Did: Kiss Zee

20. What You Are Wearing: Just jeans

21. Your Favorite Weather: Vegas heat

22. Your Favorite Book: by Heinlein.

23. The Last Thing You ate: Ham sandwich

24. Your Life: Truly blessed

25. Your Mood: Perfectly content

26. Your body: Healing slowly.

27. What are you thinking about right now: Zee, May

28. Your Crush: My fiancee

29. What are you doing at the moment: This meme ;)

30. Your summer schedule: Getting married

In other news, I think the wedding's gonna be at the Treasure Island. Pirate ship, anyone? I'm already talking to Zee about how formal we're going. I also happen to know she's picked up some bridal magazines already, and Aunt Zeph has been talking to her about wedding dresses. I think she's into it 'cause she never got to marry my uncle, ya know? She's having a blast.

We're both still recovering from all this, and it's coming along pretty good. Zee's memory is patchy, and I've been having trouble with my powers since...well, since I went all pod person on everybody. It's getting better,'s all getting better.

Still jazzed I'm getting married. ;)

what - time to say 'i do', what - memes & quizzes, verse - master's son

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