Jan 05, 2013 22:04
There were things holding myself back or I suppose I just hold myself back. I feel like I'm coming out of that.
I want my actions to match my heart and mind more. I know I've started to do that more. I've started to be much more positive and supportive of other people. Much much much more open hearted and minded than ever before.
I really do want to stop drinking because it feeds large corporations, depletes my resources and takes away from my sleep. I've had a ton of fun lately, but I can't keep doing this so much. So no drinking! YAY! :)
The little training/conference that I hosted with Ryane was really great. I think that really helped give me the first push of confidence I needed.
I'm almost done moving out of the apartment. it's going to be hard officially moving back in with my parents but I just have to keep my head up and remember it's only temporary and remember that we won't be around for ever and to appreciate every moment we all have together. Also that "moving out" is a very white / westernized idea while staying close to family and living communally fits more with my beilefs anyway. Not saying that I want to live with my parents forever, but just saying while I'm just doing while I have to perhaps I can learn and grow more.
Pat e-mailed me back so I'm going to meet with her sometime this week to talk about how I can get my foot in the door in the El Paso Non-Profit sector although I'm also doing that with LMO and the one billion rising event.
I'm meeting with Celia tomorrow to kick it and talk about Danza and one billion rising.
Monday I'm cleaning out my car and moving my stuff into my dads house.
Tuesday I'm finishing up Mario's apartment and hosting the first planning meeting for 1 billion rising.
Tomorrow I will:
Wake up at 9.
Do Laundry
Eat Cereal
Get ready for work
Go to work
Meet Celia
See Jessica
Go to bed by 11
Monday I will:
Wake up by 9
Get my stuff together
Go to my dads/clean out car/ organize room
put money in bank
Call the library
Call Lorena- ask about cafe
Call 1 billiion rising participants
Go to work
Work on some music/go to sleep early
Tuesday I will:
Wake up by 9
Clean out apartment
Sign up for defensive driving class
1 Billion Rising Meeting
Meet with Claudia 6:45 at Kinleys or Pizza joint
Work on some music
Wednesday I will:
Work on Music -- Guitar/ Victim of Self Hate Vox/ BABS Bass
Meet with musicians
That's all I got for now.
Also! I met the most amazing person this week! Her name is Kiana! She's one of my new favorite peeps! She plays bass and drums and she knows what's up! Very excited to hang out with her more, possibly make music, and hopefully organize together! :)
I feel good about the universe now. <3