Jan 04, 2012 23:59
Haven't written in Livejournal in a while. There's just something odd about posting something on a public forum that no one will ever read. I was writing a lot in my paper journal. Started expressing myself through a lot of [performance] poetry which has proven to be very fulfilling for me, not to mention it's easier to complete a piece of art when you are the only one you have to rely on (not like music with others). Then I started vloging on youtube and blogging on tumblr because I started a project called the RUHCUS project which I completed on new years eve. I learned so much and I'm still learning. I'm very happy that it's helpped me to be unapologetic in who I am. I really really needed that! <3
So it's 2012 now! That's totally insane! I have so much I can write about so much that needs to be expressed but now probably isn't the time. The real reason I'm writing in now is because I've developed a case of insomnia over the past couple of weeks, for the past two days I went to bed at 4 and woke up at 11 (exactly! -- like clock work). I'm writing because my exhaustion due to this issue has made me not as productive as I'd like to be and I just wanted to remind myself that it's NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! <3
So I think the thing is when a new year begins people make so many promises to themselves. I haven't promised myself anything yet but I had ideas of promises and I haven't fulfilled them these past couple of days so I was starting to feel down on myself. BUT the thing is I do feel like I need to set some goals. I have A LOT of responsibilities and I don't want to fail at my current projects so I need to set some goals for myself and a to - d0 list of sorts.
Tomorrow's to do list
1. Wake up at 8:30
2. Be at Court by 9:30
3. Be at work by 1:00
4. Complete list of things I need to do for "The vagina Monologues"
5. Read the YP4 readings.
6. Clean my room! <3
Friday's to do list
1. Go to doctors by 9:30
2. Be at work by 12:30
3. Find Professional Clothing!
Goals for the Year!
1. Graduate!!! <3 yay!!!
2. Make all A's in my classes <3
3. Find a Job I can work at by the time I graduate! <3
4. Have a successful V Season!
5. YP4 Blue Print
6. Stop. Listen
7. Women's History Month Conference / Bring SWOP down here -- need money!
8. Make FMLA / VDAY binders to pass on to future organizers <3
This is very cut and dry but there's so much going on in my life, my head, my heart! <3 I have big goals and bigger dreams, ones that aren't in this post. But I just needed a quick reminder that I haven't lost anything and anything that's been lost can't be regained so I just have to go forth and give 100% from now on. I think the motto for my year should be
"Do or Die"
because it's that fucking time!
Anyway, as soon as this guilt for the past two days passes I'll be able to be excited about everything again. <3
Now time for sleep.