Fanfic FTW!

Apr 26, 2010 19:00

My springtime_gen fic was posted last week. It's excellent. Really, I should have pimped it from the beginning but you know how real life is. Very demanding. But this fic is just lovely. Seamus is portrayed beautifully and the whole fic builds to a rather fantastically chilling final scene. Read it here.

Another reason I love this fic. For years now every time I've done an exchange I've asked that the Daily Prophet be used in some way. No one ever used it at all, which never really surprised or bothered me because it's a random prompt, but this mystery author did. YAY! I now consider her/him to be utterly awesome. Totally and utterly awesome.

On the other side of things, I will be participating in femgenfication again this year. I love my prompt. It's fantastic.

The more hidden the venom, the more dangerous it is.
-Marguerite de Valois(1553-1615), queen of Navarre and of France, and author of scandalous memoirs.

Yay! No idea what I'll do with that prompt but I think it calls out for a second person narrative, yes? It's been far too long since I tackled the second person. So now I just must chose a character. I'm trying to convince myself not to write Luna. Been there, done that, you know? Oh but I adore her. We shall see.

Really, it's a perfect quote for a Joan of Arcadia fic. It makes me sad to realize only one person on my flist will appreciate that statement. Such a shame that show got canned before it built a better following. But seriously, they showed it on Friday nights. There was no hope. Good lord, even I haven't seen all of the episodes and I consider myself a pretty loyal fan.

Alright I'm starting to ramble. Time to cut it off here. Go read my lovely gift fic. You will not regret it.

writing, fic

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