
Mar 30, 2010 08:32

Still working on my springtime_gen fic. There was such promise that I wouldn't procrastinate--such promise--but of course I did. It's done, written from start to finish, but it needs some serious polishing. I have all the images I want and the tone is what I was aiming for but the structure is lacking. So I just need to work on that a bit and then it should hopefully be good and maybe even be exactly what the recipient likes. That's the goal, anyway.

Once I'm done editing, is anyone available for a quick beta? It's due this weekend so if I finish it tonight or tomorrow morning as planned (I will) then you'll have a few days to glance it over. It shouldn't take too long, I'm usually fairly clean with my grammar and I didn't attempt anything crazy with this fic, so hopefully this isn't too much to ask?

Please, don't offer if you're participating in springtime_gen. But I'm sure you knew that. It's gen, obviously, and about 3000 words. Which is very long for me, yes? So I will probably shorten it during the editing process. Shorter fic = better structure, after all. (for me, that is)

Time to stop rambling. Bye!

ETA: Just realized all the grammar rules I broke in this post. Oh dear. I swear I hold my fics to a higher standard.


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