(no subject)

Jul 09, 2007 21:03


Ahem. Sorry about that. I'm in a bit of a strange mood.

I know, I know it's been a while but this time I have an excuse! I was quite obviously unable to reach a computer and therefore physically prevented from updating.

There, that sounded good didn't it? Much better than the "Allright so I'm a lazy bum" excuse dontcha think?

Anyway I have to tell you all about Mashatzim! The first day wasn't that great. We didn't do that much and we were still meeting everyone. There was also the issue that we were still getting used to the atmosphere and stuff. And there wasn't enough food for everyone which majorly sucked...

Second day woke up at four. Went to bathroom behind a clump of trees. Very miserable. Found out we had to be at the morning 'misdar' at four thirty with our tents and sleeping bags all rolled up. Found out that 'wake up call' was the head of the course playing all his ringtones on his cellphone over loudspeaker, especially old Israeli bouncy music which we all hated (mostly because it was the first thing we heard in the morning). ;)

Went up and then down Har Meiron (again), ate and then went on a fairly annoying hike that was all flat with no shade. We were forced to stop after eleven and technically not allowed to begin walking till four thirty (because of the heat) but the girls in my group are all ADHD and pressured my madrich to stat walking. I think it was when that started running around themselves and climbing up trees that he finally gave in. We went down the ridge of mountains through a river canal which was very very fun but hard. We then waiting at Rashb"i's grave for six hours because the the other groups HAD waited till four thirty to start walking. *headesk*

Slept in the parking lot at Nachal Amud. Ate much better food: uncooked (crunchy) rice and over cooked meat. Went to bed with splitting headache.

Woke up at five thirty. Did Nachal Amud (beautiful trail) and then piled into buses to head off towards Andartat Hanachal (Nachal memorial site). That's were we spent the second part of our week camping. Upside: SHOWERS!!! and building a camp which I love. Downside: UNBELIEVABLE HEAT AND HUMIDITY LEADING TO MADNESS!!!!!!

Ahem. I am composed.

So we spent the next three days there building the camp, running a 'fun day' for retarded (what?! that IS the technical term) grown ups, and trying to survive the heat.

Friday we did navigation. They dropped us off in the middle of nowhere with a map and a compass. It didn't work so well but it wasn't our fault. Honest.

Came home for shabbas. Went back Sunday. Did this whole trail leading up to and including the sataf. Slept at the Castel where I did my pe'ilut at like ten thirty and everyone was half a sleep but they said I did a really good job which made me hapy because I'd worked really hard on it.

Did short hike the next morning and then drove to Giv'at Hatachmoshet where we started getting ready for the graduation ceremony. They asked everyone to try and write something about Mashatzim so that they could choose something to read at the ceremony. Mine was chosen out of FOUR courses who were there. I was shocked needless to say but was mostly embarassed that I had to read it in front of about a thousand people if not more.

Very traumatised.

Anyway I'm glad to be home. I've started working on some projects that were given for the summer. Trying to be productive and all that crap... ;)

Allright, no I haven't forgotten I've been tagged, as much as I would like to have.

Instructions: Each player starts with 7 random habits/facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged & list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged.

1) I hate my cellphone. When I first got my original cellphone I couldn't stand it. But then one time it went through the washing machine and it survived and the spunky defiance of that redeemed it mildly.

2) The only scars I have are from over-scratched mosquito bites.

3)I've fallen in love with three men in my lifetime: None are from the last century, none are Jewish, and all are fictional characters. *headesk*

4) I hate shopping, therefor: I almost never buy my own clothes, only shabbas clothes. My mother has bought me all my shirts and four of my six everyday skirts not to mention all my socks and underwear.

Sad huh?

5) My biggest fear is of becoming a bad person and more often than I'd like to admit I look at myself and think I've become just that.

6) I am the biggest Daddy's little girl that has ever been.

7) A few years ago I went through a period when I was completely obssesed with Russel Crow, it was around the same time he got married. I cut out a really good picture of him from a magazine but he was posing with his wife................so I tore out her face and put the picture up like that. ;)

Love ya!

I tag anyone reading this who hasn't done it yet!


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