(no subject)

Jun 07, 2007 23:51

Hello beautiful people!

Okay, I know I haven't updated in a while so I have a lot to tell.

Shavu'ot was incredibly fun! I only started staying up all night when I was twelve and this year was definitely the best since. Besides for the fact that I was miserably sick... Blah! Ariela darling, you were very much missed. ;)

School has been a complete and utter waste of my valuable time (your cue to roll your eyes). We actually went to 'Dialogue in the Dark' today which was unbelievably awesome! It's this exhibit that's supposed to get you to understand blindness. You go through this series of rooms in groups of ten with a guide. Okay, you're all waiting for the catch: it was pitch black. I'm serious, at one point I wasn't sure whether my eyes were open or closed. I have never been somewhere so dark before.
So you go through these rooms and you have to feel your way around. There was a forest with small waterfalls and trees, a bridge, a "house" with a bed, table, cutlery, chairs. There was a "boat" that only sailed when you sang where the air smelled like salt, the wind was blowing the sea spray in our faces, and the sounds of seagulls and waves played in our ears. They had a music room where you just sat and listened to music. They had a street with a car, pay phone, shop windows, mail boxes. A shuk with stalls with real fruits and vegetables, a bicycle, and the sounds of people bargaining and arguing and gossiping.

It was unbelievable.

So I was at this leadership seminar that my school sent me to. It was really great, besides for a couple groups of girls. My instructor was such a sweetheart and the girls I was with were mostly really nice.
And then when I got home Yoni had his ninth b-day party at Burger Ranch and his friends were so cute. He only wanted two there but they're my favorite. So I sat there with them and let my parents take a break.

It went something like this:

Me: So Yoni, you know I showed all my friends your picture and they think you're really cute! They wanted your number so...
Yoni's friends: *gasp* *gigglegiggle*
Yoni: *astonishment* Whaaa....*blushes*... No they didn't.
Me: (turning to Friend num. 1) But then I showed them YOUR picture and they though you were just so adorable so they had to have YOUR number too...
Y+Friend no. 2: *snigger* *giggle*
Me: (to friend No. 2) And then they saw YOUR picture and they thought that you were so much cutter than anyone else they'd ever seen and they begged my for your address and I couldn't beat them off, even with the stick...
Friend no. 2: *shuts up with shocked expression* *blushes+grins*
Y'+F1: *gaaaaaaasp* *gigglegiggle* *snortpointsnort*

I had such a good time.

Am completely swamped now but am slowly crossing things off my list...

Love ya! (and shabbat shalom!)

yoni 9 b-day, seminar

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