Cause Now I actually have a substantial iTunes list!

Sep 18, 2006 20:09

Step 1: Open your Winamp or other MP3 player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: Pick the first thirty songs
Step 4: Write down the first line of each song, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 5: When someone guesses correctly, strike out the line and list the correct name of the song next to it.

1)We've come a long long way together Praise You ~ Fatboy Slim Ladymithril

2)Why do you Build me up? Build Me Up, Buttercup ~ The Foundations Trippie and writerchick

3)It's astounding, Time is Fleeting The Time Warp ~ Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack Trippie and writerchick

4)You a looking just a little to hard at me Get Real ~ J.Lo Partial credit to Writerchick

5)If someone stood up in a crowd Mr. Cellophane ~ Chicago Soundtrack Writerchick

6)I didn't hear you leave, I wonder how am I still here Clue: It is in Love Actually and Roswell Clue 2:Think Singer in "STAN"

7)Summer has come and past Wake Me Up When September Ends ~ Green Day Writerchick

8)Its a beautiful day Clue: Next line 2 Lines: Its a very Nice Day / A day for a Beautiful wedding CLue 2:Tim Burton

9)Oh I can't take another Heart Ache Cruel to be Kind ~ 10 Things I Hate About You Soundtrack writerchick

10)Oh give me Land lots of Land Don't Fence Me In ~ Andrew's SistersWriterChick

11)She was a fast machine You Shook Me All Night Long ~ AC/DC Writerchick

12)v-i-c-k-y Icky Vicky ~ Chip Skylark oliversbludger

13) an Old man turned 98 Ironic ~ Alannis Morissette Trippie and writerchick

14)You think your going nowhere walking down the street Why Not ~ Hillary Duff Writerchick Why Aww steph?

15)Here on these Cliffs of Dover clue: Alissa you should get this one Clue 2: Artist name includes a month kinda

16)As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain Amish Paradise ~ Weird Al Yancovich Trippie and writerchick

17)You and I in a little toy shop

18)Caroline Roses ~ Outkast writerchick

19)We both lie silently staring in the dead of the night Clue: Think 80s Hairband Ballads

20)You dont like crazy music Clue: Think Swinging Hips and jails Rocking!

21) 26 years and seems like I have just begun ...But Home is Nowhere? ~AFI Ladymithril and writerchick btw way to pown!

22)Sometimes I feel I've go to Tainted Love ~ Marilyn Manson Trippie and Writerchick

23)If you see a faded sign on the side of the road Love Shack ~ B52s Trippie and writerchick

24)Oh Johnny wishes he was famous Innocent ~ Our Lady Peace LadyMirthril

25)Did I abuse her or show her disdain Agony ~ Into the Woods Soundtrack Oliversbludger

26)Go away from my window

27)I took a walk around the world to ease my trouble man Kryptonite ~3 Doors Down Trippie and writerchick

28)This is what I brought you Prelude 12/21 ~ AFI LadyMithril and close, but nope writerchick

29)Well she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor Time to Dance ~Panic! at the Disco writerchick

30)When you grow up No One Takes Your Freedom ~ The Scissor Sisters/The Beatles/ect.. Writerchick

Good Guesses soo far! Yea, and Bands/singers would be Helpful! ROCK ON! Lets go for all 30!

Yea For everyone! I've added more clues!! so Keep Guessing! AND Do we want me to do this again, cause i have over 800 songs in my iTunes right now, and I LOVE anything that distracts from work!

Sooo.. Added more clues.. and there are I think 2 I even forget now, sooo... I will feel accomplished once we get those songs I have clues for! Come on people!! You can do it!

on-going, procrastination, music, itunes

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