Hurray! Artificially chilled air now circulates all around me. It basks my mind in the golw of "it's-not-hot-as-hell-edness.
The A/C guy just left, the A/C is still brokeded, but he put Freon in it. We have a leak that still can't be found. We are going to run this down a bit and then charge it with a dyye stuff that leaks all over the place and glows like raver blood or something. I sounds Tres Cool.
It will cost money though. We have decided to put it on a credit card and then burn the card. That way no one will ever know that we owe. It will be on the burnt card see? The card will be destroyed along with the exessive A/C bill. We are very clever.
I brought bread to werk today and people ate it all up.
Last night I made a cool looking wine label for
hecksheri to use on the new batch of Shiraz.
Tonight I will sleep the sleep of the gods. Perhaps just the sleep of camels, I am not really sure. I don't yet know how either sleep.