Nov 22, 2005 20:02
so i went to a funeral this saturday for the director of my old school. It felt weird to be there. maybe becasue i was seeing everyone again, specifically old teachers and adults. The weird thing is that i actually enjoyed it, you know? i enjoyed seeing everyone agian, my old kindergarten teacher or math teacher. I dont want to be happy at a funeral, it makes me feel guilty. i shouldn't be enjoying myself, somebody just died, loved ones are mourning. But anyway, four people close to Carey gave speeches, and throughout all of them i kept thinking that they should have asked a student to speak. becasue Carey had a huge impact on the adult life, as the speaches showed, but ithought that the people attending the funeral should be able to know what impact, even if it was a small one, she had on teh students she dutifully watched over. i personally only had a few actual encounters with Carey and i started remembering them during the funeral. one of my favorite ones is when i think it was fourth grade, Sasha, Sophie, and Sarah all were writing a book about a baby's adventure (sophie or sarah, do you remember that? i forget what they were called but i think it was something like Daring Baby or something). anyway, they were writing this book and we took it to Carey (i accompanied this journey) to see about getting it published. and she didnt laugh,she didnt kick us out of her office to tell her she had more important things to do, she sat with us and told us our options. i remember that she took us seriously, not jsut like little kids (btw if you guys have a differnt memory on this please correct me). anyway, thats my favorite memory of carey, iguess i was just thinking about how i hoped her family knew that she really touched people at phs, at least i think she did maybe i'm just being cheesy.