Oct 03, 2005 23:51
hmm so tommorow is rosh hashana (and i really dont think that i spelled that right) but my school counts it as an excused absence so my dad said i didnt have to go to school tommorow. this makes me happy because it's a LEGIT absence, one that i dont feel bad about, well i feel a little bad about it, just because i'm not actually jewish. but my dad said i deserved a day off (even though i have a four day weekend YAY) so i dont have to head to school tommorow at 6:30 AM! when i should be asleep! zzzzz!anyway i saw beauty shop last night and alicia silverstone is in it and she has this dance scene and its truly scary how well she dances. actually, scratch that, its truly scary how well she dances FOR A WHITE BLONDE GIRL...oooooo who just stereotyped? maggie did!!!! ahhh! anyway i was just really surprised and then i was pondering whether i should go to the dance thursday night or not. im thinken not just because at a dance it usually involves bumping booties with the opposite sex which i cant and dont want to do because i have kirk. teehee. makes me giggle.
lets see what else. today i wore those pants whose fly doesnt work and its really annoying because i can feel people looking at it and being all like woah stupid bitch doesnt know how to zip her fly. makes me just wanna wear a sign that says YES I KNOW ITS UNZIPPED, or ITS BROKEN. the latter might get some weird responses though. whaaaat else. oh yea! i hate geometry! and geometry hates me! as well as my geo teacher! andi need a compus! woohoo!