Oct 24, 2005 19:35
... and it got a lot better this evening, after a chatter with Thomas online! But I'll get to that.
Today was pleasant but unexceptional - Short story (we're doing An Gamhainn by Iain Moireach - I'm enjoying it a lot but the Gàidhlig's quite a bit tougher than Iain mac a' Ghobhainn's), break, lunch, meeting to hear the college's news from the bigwigs (they're building a big new flashy spaiteil building, UHI is being assessed for University Status, etc), Poetry (Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn, so you know it's good ... honestly, though A Nighean Og left me a bit cold. I like his other stuff, though, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow), then Gàidhlig 2, which, for the record, was cool - we're finally doing the more formal passive voice. So, if you'll excuse a little jaunt into Maggie's Grammatical World -
Ghabh cuideigin òran (active, past)
-Chaidh òran a ghabhail (the way we learned how to do passives last year)
-Ghabhadh òran
Gabhaidh cuideigin òran (active, future)
-Thèid òran a ghabhail
-Gabhar òran
Ghabhadh cuideigin òran (active, conditional)
-Rachadh òran a ghabhail
-Ghabhte òran (how cool is that??)
Anyway, that's that. More than most of you wanted to know, and old hat to those of you who understand. But I'm excited.
Right, then there was the nice little break between 3:30 and 5, wherein I wasted a lot of time doing stupid things on the internet, but also got the chance to chat with Thomas again online! Which was, as always, lovely :)
AND I now have something to work towards in my study of the chanter. And life is good.
Right, so then there was dinner (agus dh'fhaighnich mi de Chailean an cluicheadh e dhomh am port, is thuirt e gun rpbh e tuilleadh is deònach, ach gun robh e airson practiseadh son treis an toiseach - so ghoid e am pìos pàipear agam is ruith e air falbh leis. Ach cluinnidh mi uaireigin e!). Up the road in short order, and have been bumming about ever since. On the to-do-list tonight: Some reading, some playing of the chanter, and that's about it. Life is good.
Peace out, folks. (oh, and keep the Halloween ideas coming!!)