Vin/Buck brainwashed to kill

Aug 03, 2012 11:45

A case is done the guys are due for some R&R. They come back telling how great their trips are, especially Buck bragging about a lady he met,and how beautiful the weather was. You find out that Buck and Vin were taken before they got to leave and are brainwashed to assassin either the judge or some important person. They are triggered by a phone call and a woman's voice on the other end. I believe it is Ezra who realizes first something is wrong and looks into it. He finds that Buck tale of the weather being perfect in Hawaii is wrong it rained the whole time. Things start falling into place and the guys figure out who both where brainwashed and set out to find out by who.

Thinks its General not sure could be Slash
Any Clues?

FOUND!! dear friend gave it too me. Mindjack by NeonGang at BR

buck, vin, assassin, atf au, *found, kidnapped, brainwashed

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