Sep 25, 2010 19:09
Updates after just about 2 weeks:
Things have been pretty crazy but pretty good all around. Quickly about work, things are good. Things are pretty busy and I'm definitely feeling a lot of pressure to recruit mentors and that's really the thing I'm worried about. I'm not terribly worried about seniors, since I only think I need about 2 more mentors or so for them, but I still need about, oh I don't know, 35 mentors for the younger youth. And it's just that on top of it I'm supposed to be planning curriculum and doing various other things. So there's that. But, on a more positive note, I really really like it at HSTF. The people are really nice and I fit in well with the staff--and I like the few youth I've met. The days pass pretty fast and I enjoy my time there--I look forward to going in. So we'll see how things develop there!
In terms of dating, things have been both positive and negative. Things with Danny never really improved. He still was evasive and unresponsive. And we did end out hanging out one Thursday night. I drove down to Brockton (in 5:30 traffic) we went to dinner and I dropped him off back home. That's all there really was to comment on. We didn't hold hands. We didn't kiss. It was like I went to go visit a friend. Which, I'm sorry to say, is not what I'm looking for. It just sucks because I thought things were going really well. We got along really well, we had great sexual chemistry, but I don't know. I guess it's not something I'm supposed to be able to understand. On another note, I met a guy named Nick (mildly ironic) at the Northeastern volunteer fair. He was cute, mildly (harmlessly?) obnoxious, and I just out of nowhere decided to hand him my number. I couldn't believe I did that! But it worked out b/c he texted me like 20 min later and we ended out getting dinner at Bella Luna in JP after work, and it was great. We spent like 3 hours there just talking, and then I invited him back to watch a movie. Except on the way home June's coolant light came on, so basically I told him I couldn't bring him home. Oops. Not that I would've wanted him to go home anyways...:-P
So we hung out again--Tuesday I believe? And we got dinner, then went back to his place to watch another movie. Could not complain. He's quite sexual and I totally dig it lol. So we'll see how it goes, but it's certainly not a bad thing to have fun.
I want to clean my room, but I'll write more later. Esp about how work is changing my view on diversity/where I come from. But that will take some time to construct, so we'll get there. Woot.