(no subject)

Jul 28, 2010 17:20

Its funny really, I don't take a great deal of notice of the usual run of the mill crap you see see in the news. It washes over me generally because its so predictable. I'm used to the whole 'good people doing mediocre things, bad people being typically mean' day to day Blah-fest.
I did however find myself disappointed by the news that the one politician who I thought was okay doing something that was so out of character. In our Aussie system its genuinely refereshing to find an erudite, seemingly sensible and stylish politician and Penny Wong has up until now been that person.
Penny is a well spoken and capable politician who just happens to be both of Asian heritage and Gay. She has the ear of our first female Prime-minister and as such was for me the one true hope of getting Gay rights recognised in this country.

Alas, she has publicly stated she does not support gay marriage as it goes against the party line.

If our poofs and dykes in power won't stand up for gay rights, who the fuck will?

I just don't understand the sheer selfishness of some people.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Australia with all its many benefits often remains firmly stuck in the 50's when it comes to basic human rights.

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