Apr 02, 2007 18:07
In World History we learn a little about how famous people who create government systems and/or ideas for new government systems view their fellow people. The people who do this seem to always be divided into two groups; those who believe that people are born good and virtuous, and then the people on the other end of the spectrum, those who believe that people are born evil. I'm trying to figure out what side of the argument I am on. I wonder, like I always have, if people learn to lie. If we had never been exposed or told what a lie was, wold we still do it. Would it be in our brain to make up a story that is completely untrue? Is it s a natural thing to deceive? Part of me believes it is because in order to better survive, our ancestors developed certain forms of trickery. They learned to sneak up on their prey in order to have a better chance of catching it and eating that night. Animals such as butterflies can have spots on their wings that look like eyes to deceive predators in order to better protect the otherwise feeble insect. So perhaps deceiving is a method of self-preservation. We all lie to get out of trouble don't we? To get out of threatening situations? I don't know. I agree with the whole Buddha thing that the root of all evil is desire. It just plain makes sense. The wife wouldn't leave her husband and destroy his heart if she didn't desire the younger, better looking man. The man wouldn't have shot and killed the man in the convenient store if he didn't desire the money in the cash register. I guess I believe that all people are born evil. I hate saying that though because it sounds so cynical, but thinking about it, to me it makes the most sense. Unfortunate, though. Very unfortunate.