"This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time."

Feb 06, 2008 20:54

So I bought a new RPG book on Friday. It's the long-awaited Warhammer 40,000 RPG, entitled "Dark Heresy." The limited edition of it apparently sold out within six minutes! I've spent lots of time since Friday delving through it, and I'm impressed with what Black Industries produced (even if it does smack of D&D a bit...lol).

A few days after this game went up for sale, higher-ups at the parent corporation, Games Workshop, decided to kill the Black Industries division of the company after they release the last supplement for it in September. The company is instead choosing to focus on subsidary Black Library, the producer of all the Warhammer/Warhammer 40,000 fiction novels.

Reactions have ranged anywhere from complete outrage and disgust ("I'll never buy another GW/BL product again!") to "I understand that it was a business decision."

My take is a bit between the two.

-I understand that it was a business decision, and that there are probably factors behind it that would make it make more sense. It still doesn't take away the sting. And though I can't prove anything, it does seem a bit convenient that this announcement was made AFTER they'd already sold out; I think that the books still would've sold, but the demand would've been much less had people known that the product would no longer be (officially) supported after October or so.

-I am appalled at the announcement. It seems that the RPGs I enjoy are either forgotten (d20 Modern), slow to add new content (Serenity RPG), or are completely unsupported (Dark Heresy, after October).

-I'll made no bold statements like, "I'll never buy another GW/BL product again!" but I'm not exactly encouraged to go out and buy anything else right now, except maybe a few models to paint IF I can get a group together for DH. Their product costs are going up, and I don't exactly have the funds to continue supporting a company that eliminates a division I like to support divisions/products I don't, even if they think (or maybe it really is) they're making a sound business decision.

-I've heard some good things about some of Black Library's products, and was honestly interested in some of them (Horus Heresy series, Ciaphas Cain novels, Gaunt's Ghosts, Last Chancers series, etc) BEFORE this announcement was made. I'm afraid that we'll get more novels like Fifteen Hours (a very cliche war novel...think Vietnam in the future). Call it a boycott if you want, but I've kept myself from buying BL's novels before and will continue to do so. I MAY still buy their other stuff that doesn't exactly qualify as a novel (art books, fake "real" books, etc)...MAY.

At least I have some new Serenity RPG books to look forward to. I'll buy the rest of the DH books BI produces and hope that either GW will retract this decision (highly unlikely) or will allow a good RPG company to acquire the license (unlikely).

Oddly enough, this is about the time last year that I started in the whole wargaming/GW/40K kick that I've been on since then. Seems like this would be an appropriate time to close that chapter and move on...

I've learned a lot, though. GW introduced me to the joys/pains of eBay. I found that I enjoy painting miniatures, even if I'm no good at it, have no time to do it, and generally get annoyed by the previous two facts. :-) I'm thinking that maybe I'll just finishing painting up what I have and sell anything I don't want to keep (or need for a possible DH game). Perhaps from time to time I'll buy more minis to paint just for fun (and maybe profit, if I can actually get good at it...doubtful, though).

In other news, I'm still on the hunt for a new job. My bosses have been especially pissy with me lately, so I've started applying elsewhere; I'm not entirely sure if I'll give them the courtesy of a notice, though. I figure that they're going to fire me soon anyway, since I'm training someone else to do magazines, giving me the runaround on when I can take my vacation/personal days, etc. If they do then I'll just have that much more time to find a job; unemployment can pay my expenses (hopefully) in the meantime, assuming that I do nothing but stay at home!

I've thought a lot lately about the bad decisions I've made over the years, and wish that I could change them. But then I hate myself for thinking that, because if I changed anything I probably wouldn't have met Elaina, and would be miserable without her. But since I do have her I need to make fewer bad mistakes (or none at all!) so that I can keep her around and have a life with her!

That's about all for now.
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