Doing a little better...maybe (not really).

May 29, 2008 18:39

I still feel pretty at loss, it's so strange to be here with no memories, surrounded by people dealing with the same thing. I guess there isn't much I can do about it other than try to adapt as best I a place with no working phones...televisions...computers...and where people randomly hit you in the face with heavy objects, scream at you and lurk in the bushes asking you to name them...*twitch*

Oh God, it really is too much. Why are there so many crazy people?! I saw some huge guy with scars and bells in his hair! Why bells?!

At least I still have my music. It's a small thing, but it helps. It's strange I remember all those songs, but nothing about myself. Memory is a strange thing. Looking at the outfit I arrived in I'm starting to wonder if maybe I was some sort of LARPer. I can't think of any other explanation for wearing something so bizarre.

But LARPing? That is pretty sad

On the other hand I found my room. I haven't had a chance to talk to my roommate yet. Vyers, is it? Strange name. I hope we're able to get along okay (though I'd much rather have a room to myself). I guess I need a job, but there isn't much posted, and what is...really doesn't suit me. I don't know what I'm going to do.

These journals are a pretty interesting resource though, at least reading through the older entries and learning about the recent history of this place should give me something to do In order to keep my mind off the terrible wrongness of this place. Gah!


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