Worried commander

May 25, 2008 20:23

And another thing, you can’t just...

What was I saying just now? I must have lost my train of thought...

....Huh...I can’t seem to recall it now. Or anything else, actually...

Ahhh!!! I can’t remember anything!!! Where am I? Did I hit my head? (Amnesia?) This is really bad! I don’t-

-Why am I dressed in this weird outfit? Cosplay? (Man, I really hope not). This ring is really tacky...but I... Oh thank god, there’s a cell phone in one of the pockets of this jacket, I can call for help *starts dialing*

(...I don’t even know who I’m calling! 911 maybe?)

EHHHH?! No signal!? Now what?

I could boost the reception...I, uh...just need a paperclip...or something...maybe a twist tie...Don’t think about the fact you don’t know where you are, or who you are or even what you had for breakfast this morning...just don’t or you’ll lose it.

*Shouichi can now be found wandering around memento_eden looking lost and trying to get his cellphone to work*
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