I feel like a whole new person getting actual SLEEP. Thinking back, I must have had apnea for quite some time and just ran on nervous energy. I've gotten more done in the last two DAYS than I have in weeks.
The only drawback is that I've been sleeping ten hours a night! This has to be some kind of sleep-debt payback; I hope to have my "sleep credit card" paid off in a week or so. And I hope this will help me lose weight! I've gone up three to four clothing sizes in the past two years - make it STOP!
Another thing I read is that REM-related apnea (which is what I have) is a high risk factor for Type II diabetes. This I DO NOT WANT. By treating my apnea I'm greatly reducing my risk.
And I've found a way to keep the kitties away from the mask: Disconnect hose from mask while the machine is on. Blow air at kitty. Kitty runs away. Ha ha. No, I don't make it a point to torture my kitties or even discipline them very much -
miribilist can attest to how badly my fur children are spoiled. But CPAP masks are spendy and have to be mailed, and now that I know what it is to have GOOD sleep I don't want to go back to my pre-CPAP days. You can pry my CPAP from my cold, dead nose.