I'm doing some home clearing, lawyer-calling, financial-planner calling, and so on today. For some reason, clearing out her cabinets hit me more than anything before. Like in, "Oh god, she's REALLY and TRULY dead." Maybe I somehow superstitiously thought, if I left all her stuff, she'd come back
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But then, once my mom finally figured it out, we ended up with unexpected issues; her physician fought us! It was a nightmare. At first, she wouldn't even administer a memory test. Grandma was quite convincing, and clever in an evil way, and she really snowed everyone for some time.
Then the physician called up my mother and reamed her out for not letting her move up north to be near her. My mother explained (and had already explained) that if Grandma moved out of her area, she wouldn't be covered by her health insurance and would have to get different insurance.
Finally, the physician reluctantly administered a simple memory test, and Grandma reluctantly agreed, and failed. And even though she got half the questions wrong, the physician was still inclined to think that Grandma would be fine living by herself.
Fortunately, my mom was able to get an appointment with a geriatrics specialist, who immediately said that she should not be living alone and that she was definitely showing serious signs of dementia.
It's a rough haul, my friend, and I'm so very sorry. However, it really sounds like you have a level head about this and you are definitely taking the right steps! Don't be afraid to fight for what you know he needs. *hugs*
Wonderful Neurologist has referred us to a memory class and memory specialist. I know Dad will kick and scream the whole way, but maybe he will listen to the neurologist. SIgh.
Thank you for the compliments. *hugs back*
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