
Jun 26, 2010 23:04

It's been very cold here!  All of a sudden the temperature (day and night) has dropped very low (for Perth).  The maximum yesterday and today were 15.1C and 15.6C, respectively.  This is what our back yard looked like yesterday when the minimum was 0.2C.

And then this morning, we recorded our second-lowest minimum temperature since records started here.  The temperature dropped to -0.6C.  The previous coldest temperature recorded four years ago was -0.7C!

For people who live in areas where it's normal to have snow and ice, please humour me for getting excited at the sight (and experiencing the coldness) of frost !

I definitely wouldn't want to sit on this seat!

The very tough capsicum plant seems to be able to withstand extreme temperatures.  It survived the very hot summer with very little water, and now it's weathered two severe frosts.

Meanwhile, the garden has well and truly sprung into life - the grass is green and plants are budding and blooming.

This zygocactus is sheltered from the extreme temperatures.

One of my last-chance rose blooms.  When I pruned the rose bush a couple of weeks ago, I didn't have the heart to cut off the buds that hadn't opened, so I gave them a reprieve.  I'll cut these roses for my vase, and prune the branches back to match the rest of them!

This is the time of the year the native plants start to bloom.  The kunzea baxterii is covered with buds and newly-opened flowers.

It's wattle-time!  Every time we go outside, the perfume surrounds us.  Even at night, it's almost overpowering.  Love it!

The geraldton wax buds are bursting into life.

Then, this evening we had a lunar eclipse.  Here are two pictures that were taken 45 minutes apart.  I'm surprised that they came out so well!  I didn't use the tripod.  It was too cold to be messing around setting it up.  I just steadied the camera on the edge of the fence!

In other news, we have a new Prime Minister...  It's been an extraordinary week.

garden, weather

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