So, the exam went really well! I was so happy with the paper - there were eight questions and you had to do four (two 8 and 22 mark questions). I chose "Which Groups in Italy Supported and Opposed Mussolini's Rise to Power?", which I answered adequately - however, I forgot about Mateotti, but he was more in the estbalishment of Mussolini's dictatorship, so hopefully it won't matter too much. Then, I did "Was Culture the Most Important Means of Estbalishing a Fascist State?", which I just loved. I wrote all about culture and then talked about how he needed Propaganda and The Church more. The next two questions were on Foreign Policy and I chose "Why did Mussolini and Hitler Develop Closer Relations?", and then "Was Mussolini's Foreign Policy a Success or Failure?". I really enjoyed doing the test - I think it's my second favourite one ever - first being my GSCE Cold War Paper.
It is scary that I categorize exams in order of favourites? I think so.
I had absolutely no sleep last night. I tried to, but I ended up turning on the radio and listening to music all night. I just couldn't sleep - and on top of that, I lost my candidate number sheet, and I started to cry: I think I was beginning to crack under the pressure. I remembered my number, though - I had it written in my planner, so that's good. When I came home from the exam I went straight to sleep - and the light kept shining in through my curtains, which pissed me off a lot. I managed about two hours of shut-eye, but then got up. I'm listening to Jeff Buckley now, so everything is good.
I really want to get "Charlotte Gray" out on video, but I don't think I'll be able to tonight (not to mention to bill I've run up on my video card). Hopefully I'll be able to get it out tomorrow. There's just something so.. rewarding about watching it. It's like I deserve to be able to see the amazing-ness that is Billy Crudup's cheekbones (and, of course, the amazing storyline!).
I am feeling pretty good about study right now, too. I already have one module of Computers done, so I just have to learn it and revise the second module for Monday, and I've already done the revision for History (on thursday), and for English Literature, you can't really revise, but I'll learn some "As You Like It" quotes, as you're not allowed to bring the book into the exam. That's not until Friday, so I think, for at least tonight, I deserve a break..
Had to add this:
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