If you have a significant other in your life who not only does not share your love for being a rennie, but seems to want to take you away from being a rennie, what would you do
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Wow....just wow....My initial reaction is to say "Fuck 'em and Chuck'em.", But Im pretty militant about being accepted for exactly who and what I am and if someone doesnt like it then dont let the door hit ya where the Good Goddess split ya. I have some intrests John doesnt share a vice versa. Is this worth the effort for couples counseling? If not, I'd say let it go and get a room mate if you have to. It just doesnt sound like a happy-making relationship. It sounds like he's possesive and wants to isolate you, neither of which are good signs.
Comments 9
Knowing how hard it is, I still say throw his @$$ out...
(also, consider putting all your posts under friends-only security, to help protect yourself from him a bit more
Oh dam, I just checked and it was late 2002. I really thought it was longer...grrrrr
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