Jun 23, 2009 16:30
Ok, I sort of invented this new diet from reading this anti-estrogenic nutrition manual and also from what I know about nuturition and what did and did not work for me in the past. I’m calling is my Healthy Pancreas diet. HPD for short - (HAHAHA! Kind of sounds like a STD)
So this is the basic diet
#1 Eat no more than 1500 calories a day
#2 Make sure you have at least 4 servings of fruit a day (none of it can be juice) - no juice!! Only fresh fruit.
#3 Do not eat any white flour. Everything must be Whole Grain - at least 3g fiber per serving. It can be brown rice flour, stone ground wheat, whole corn flour, ect., but no processed white flour
#4 Do not eat concentrated sugars: No cane sugar, No beet sugar, no corn syrup, and no High fructose corn syrup (also stay away from artificial sugars because they can mimic estrogen)
#5 try to eat 5 times a day.
#6 eat less than 40 grams of fat a day (or less than 360 calories of fat)
#7 Eat organic if possible
Ok, so the basic premise is this: After reading about the anti estrogenic system, I found out some things. First, when we eat carbohydrates that have very little fiber, the sugar get’s absorbed very quickly into our blood stream. Bam! The blood is overloaded with sugar, so the pancreas kicks out the insulin in high gear. Chug, chug, chug, the pancreas pushes out a lot of insulin because the sugar level is so high. Well, since our pancreas doesn’t start or stop in a dime, there’s a lag. All of a sudden all the sugar is processed by the insulin and now your blood stream is loaded with insulin and no sugar to process…so it does its next best thing. It converts all carbs and lipids to body fat. Also, this process, over time leads to many women to create too much estrogen, which, in turn leads to fat storage around the stomach area.
The key is, when you get your sugars, through grains and fruit, but when they in their natural forms - unprocessed and uncondensed - the body has to work through the fiber in order to extract the sugar. Thus, there is a slow release of sugar into the bloodstream, not the fast barrage you get with condensed sugars. With high fiber foods, it’s gentler on the body, your pancreas isn’t slamming into overdrive and you aren’t left with tons of insulin in your blood. That’s less insulin to convert lipids and carbohydrates into fat - which means your body makes less fat. Also, eating five times a day prevents you from getting sugar lows and crashing, so you have enerygy throughout the day. This was probably the one thing that helped me lose weight two years ago when I went on the fit for life diet.
I'm kind of thinking this is a Fit for Life Plus diet.
Another thing, is eat organic when at all possible, because pesiticides and hormone treated animal products have chemicals in them that mimic estrogen. This can cause weight gain and mess with your hormone levels...also, will cause the body to store fat around the belly.
So results?
Well, I’ve been on this diet for 5 days and I’ve lost 5 lbs. I have only exercised two of these days for one hour each.
Here is a sample of my daily diet:
Fiber One Cereal - 250kcal
5-6 strawberries - 60 kcal
1 cup 2% milk - 90kcal
Morning snack
1 large grapefruit - 100kcal
1 piece of pizza (veggies and tofu, with low fat asagio cheese on stone ground homemade crust) - 300 kcal
Afternoon snack
Banana - 100kcal
Trail bar - 200 kcal
Falafel salad with low fat dressing - 300 kcal
Dessert - fruit or dried fruit - 50- 100kcal
Drawbacks - The only drawbacks I’ve had so far is headaches for the first three days from lack of concentrated sugar and a little gas from all the fiber. On the whole, I’m not as hungry as I thought I would be and I have A LOT of energy, yet it’s very easy for me to fall asleep at night (I sleep soundly, too.) In all, I feel really good now.
I will repost on my progress...