(no subject)

May 01, 2009 08:18

blogging is so much better to me than journaling, because I can actually get out what I'm thinking instead of losing half of it because I'm writing it out on paper.

I hate so much feeling like everything is up in the air.  I've got to figure out what I want, what makes me happy, where I want to go.  and I really need to stop looking so far into the future.  it doesn't really matter what I'll be doing 5 years from now, it's going to be at least half of that before I need to find an internship, more before I start applying to grad schools.  I don't really understand why it's always so hard for me to focus on what's going on today or even this year instead of years down the road.

I had about 3 more paragraphs written, and have realized that I think I blog less because it seems as though I'm always complaining.  I know that's not true, but gray-area thinking is not one of my stronger suits.  I'm such an emotionally focused person, and such a future-bound thinker.  I want to have everything lined up and I want to at least have an idea of what's going to happen, but that's just not realistic.  overall, I am happy with how things are right now.  maybe I need to tie a ribbon around my wrist (eyes, brain) that says that.

curses.  I'm at work, got interrupted, and I've lost my train of thought.

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