Mar 18, 2009 14:52
I haven't heard anything back about my blood tests yet, although I feel I should have by now. they're supposed to call me, but since I can't keep my phone on hand at work I'm sure we'll be playing phone tag for awhile.
I do have a sleep study scheduled for the night of Wednesday, April 1st. I get to go have electrodes and monitors and bands hooked up all over my body and then try to sleep normally with them. it sounds like a grand time to me. at least it specifies in the paperwork that I can bring a book.
but! for 6 days after that night I will have NO WORK. I could jump around in happy happy joy joy. M and I were talking about going somewhere for our anniversary/my birthday, but instead we decided to be trendy and have a 'staycation'. we're going to tell people we're not available, make no definite plans, sleep in every morning (that Abby doesn't wake us), and just have some downtime with each other and with ourselves. I think we both could use it. I want to spend one of the days hiking the trails of LeFluer's Bluff with Zoe; it should be gorgeous weather. but, like I said, no definite plans, I want to just take each day as I wake up and decide what I want to do with it.
the daytime sleepiness hasn't gotten any better, although I have (I think) been sleeping better. I've taken an Ambien for the past two nights in a row. interestingly enough, I just realized that I didn't have night sweats either night. I'm not sure how that factors in to anything. but I can't sit down for more than 30 minutes or so at work without growing extremely tired. and it's weird, my body is functioning fine, it doesn't really feel tired at all even though I've been exercising more on the suggestions of my therapist and doctor. it's just my brain, it feels like it's been awake for three days straight and my body just hasn't caught up. I dunno. weird.
some of the little seedlings that M planted have sprouted already! we've got baby cucumbers and baby cabbages. I have to go to Lowe's after work to pick up a growlight for them. I'm excited for fresh, garden-grown produce.