Spy Cats

Jun 08, 2016 13:26

Once again it is late but new Spy Cats is up http://agentsofmeow.blogspot.com/2016/06/a-journey-to-revolutionary-city.html

The feet are much better. The right foot doesn't hurt and the left only really hurts after putting a lot of weight on the foot like jumping or standing all day. Or being stupid and going barefoot. I'm back to Zumba again but not doing some of the moves if the foot starts to protest.

I've also been making a lot of pottery. We've been selling a bit more than the last few years too. In fact to see sales numbers this good you have to look back four or five years. So there is a great deal of improvement on that front. Which is good because we have a trip down to So Cal at the beginning of July for Nate's cousin's wedding.

spy cats, life

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