Spy Cats and feet

May 31, 2016 21:23

New Spy Cats http://agentsofmeow.blogspot.com/2016/05/taking-your-work-home-with-you.html

I have plantar faciaitis and it hurts like holy hell. I keep trying to Zumba enough to burn calories because I'm still working on getting in shape and losing weight.

But I have a four day streak of 10,000 steps going and I'm 1,110 from making it five but I think the feet won't let me.

This weekend I bowed to peer pressure and did 100 Burpees (in batches of 5) between customers at Grand Thing on Saturday. I helped herald Royal Court on Sunday (a great birthday present). On Monday on the way home from the event Monday, we stopped and climbed all 164 stairs of the Astoria Column.

Year number 38 is shaping up to be more active and awesome then ever. I have finally decided if it is fun I'm doing it even if I look silly doing it.

spy cats, life

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