NaNoWri Mo wrap up

Dec 02, 2011 11:06

I gave up half way through the month. Apparently I hate writing prose longer than 5,000 words. I missed my screenwriting software too much and fighting the urge to use its unique commands in Word just drove me bonkers. I did how ever write more than 13,000 words on the novelization of the Zephyr Adventure. I will probably finish it some day.

Last night though, I was going to bed when the opening paragraphs to another story entered my head. I couldn't sleep until I wrote it and I ended up with over 500 words in a half hour. This I think will shape up into a short story - The Tinker's Holiday. That's right a Steampunk Christmas story. Would y'all read it if I posted it in chunks as I write it?

writing, nano

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