Nov 21, 2011 19:57
Basically I like fluff fiction. Nice heartwarming stories with little science but major character moments. I'm not into slash. I like good fun gen stories or het romances. Also I kind of like to read Christmas stories around this time of year. So if you write some sort of general Christmas fun in any of the fandoms would make me happy.
A Gifted Man-
I'm interested in stories about the good years of Anna and Michael's marriage. Stories of their time in Alaska would be great. I wouldn't mind a story set in the present with all the characters from Holt Nureo and the Clinica involved with Anna and Michael talking about the times in Alaska. I alos like the sister, the nephew, and the shaman, but again Anna and Michael as the stars of the story.
Warehouse 13-
Team Christmas hijinks would be great.
Parasol Protectoate-
I love all these books and all the characters but the idea of Ivy and Alkadama hat shopping amuses me. The other characters can make an apperance but Ivy and Alkadama being the central focus and spending time together amuses me. Again I don't like slash so please leave that bit of Alkadama in the extreme background.
Thank you for writing for me and I'm sure I will love whatever you write.