Like the icon says . . .

Nov 08, 2007 22:37

I support the WGA writter's strike. This video explains everything. Basically out of DVD sales writers get a whopping 4 cents out of every $20 unit. This is the agreement from the 1980s they want to get 8 cents out of every $20 unit. They also get this rate from iTunes and the equivalient. Sites like that air the episodes for free but still sell ads the writers get NOTHING because the studios label it promotional perposes. That is wrong.

I hope to be a member of the WGA in the near future and this will affect me. I know that a TV writter, if they are lucky enough to work at all, works maybe 40 weeks out of the year. The other 12 weeks they are on hiatus with no income. These residules from reruns, DVD sales, and airing in other markets provide the income for that time. So I support the writters even if it means my favorite show, Bones, gets a shorter season.

For the Stargate fans on my F-list, don't worry SGA is a Canadian show and unaffected. Those writters are under contracts from the Writters Guild of Canada.

wga, script, life

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