Since I was tagged by kathpup

Nov 15, 2007 15:31

Here are six random facts about me
1. I'm five feet nine inches tall
2.I'm terrified of dogs. I don't care how well behaved they are if they invade my perosnal bubble anbd sniff at me or bark I start trying to find the nearest big thing (preferably man) to hide behind after yelping.
3.While my mother has 23 first cousins, I only have one.
4.I have a bluetooth headset and I can imagine going with out it now.
5.I've lived in the same metropolitan area my entire life.
6.In January I will have been a potter eight years.

I tag jedibuttercup,discodiva76, cute_az_can_be, midnightsjane,southernbangel, zats_clear to tell their flists six random facts.


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