Attention Washingtonians!

Feb 06, 2007 11:25

I love it when people get all creative to solve their problems.

If you are a registered voter in the state of Washington, or know registered voters in the state of Washington, I highly recommend you check out
zestyping 's recent post about an effort in that state to combat a judicial ruling that some people think is just wrong.

If you trust my ideas of interesting and worthwhile, just follow that link right now. If you want to read more about it before you waste that precious click, read on.

In (not-so) short: The State Supreme Court upholds the so-called "Defense of Marriage Act" (5-4, and the dissenting opinions are quite lovely-you can find them easily if you read the post linked to earlier, or you can just click here) by claiming the state has an interest in promoting procreation, and in having children born to and raised in families with a mother and a father wherein the children are biologically related to both parents.

Why this has anything to do with denying the right to marry to gay and lesbians couples we'll never know, but I really like this response: If, as the court affirms, marriage is a state institution meant to promote child-bearing and child-rearing as described, then only people who can and will have children should be allowed to marry. Therefore, it's time to walk the talk and 1) limit marriage licenses to couples who have no reason to believe that they couldn't have children, and 2) annul marriages that don't result in procreation within three years. In the future, they'll be trying to add legislation that also 3) denies married couples to divorce if they have children and 4) make having a child together equivalent in the state's eyes to being married.

The hope is that by legislating these logical extensions to the opinion voiced in the decision then having them shot down in court, they will create the legal precedent needed to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling and show them up for the hating bigots they really are. Brilliant, isn't it?

I don't know that I think it's got a snowball's chance in hell, but I like their style, and I wish I could give them more support them in their endeavor.


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