Yay for Rocky Horror Picture Show! I dressed up as Magenta for Hallowe'en last October, which was fun, even though the make up was a pain. Dress up as Eddie or Dr Frank'n'Furter! I can send you "Time Warp" if you'd like.
As per the lack of women thing, I'm sure if you asked in the GBLTQA office you could find someone willing to pose.
And enjoy the boredom while you can and do something nice and idle while you can! :P It'll only be for a few weeks. I'm trying to cram onsen and shopping and cleaning and socialising in before Friday when I have to get up at 4 in the morning to pick Tom up from the airport!
We only have about 5 women in our entire organization; one is in California, one is in Chicago, one is in France, and two I'm not in contact with. I may end up taking pictures of one of my friends.
I'm at home now and all of a sudden, I have tons to do. It's a liberating feeling. :)
>< Beggary... I'm really sorry, I just realised the copy I have is on my Ipod. I don't have a back up copy with me out here. Sorry! D: I'm silly billy.
O_o That's weird... Oh well, you'll get it sorted.
XP - Perhaps it's just me who's enjoying not having homework and dancing to the Police and Duran Duran in my pjs at 2 in the morning. But I have lots of arty dA things yet to do... >>;;
Haha! Well, I didn't even have a dorm room to go to for a few hours, so I just wandered the halls of Jordan.
And you can still change the settings of your iPod so that you can put it in your iTunes. Just plug it in and set it to "Manually Manage Music." Then you can drag and drop the music from the iPod to the iTunes. :D
As per the lack of women thing, I'm sure if you asked in the GBLTQA office you could find someone willing to pose.
And enjoy the boredom while you can and do something nice and idle while you can! :P It'll only be for a few weeks. I'm trying to cram onsen and shopping and cleaning and socialising in before Friday when I have to get up at 4 in the morning to pick Tom up from the airport!
We only have about 5 women in our entire organization; one is in California, one is in Chicago, one is in France, and two I'm not in contact with. I may end up taking pictures of one of my friends.
I'm at home now and all of a sudden, I have tons to do. It's a liberating feeling. :)
O_o That's weird... Oh well, you'll get it sorted.
XP - Perhaps it's just me who's enjoying not having homework and dancing to the Police and Duran Duran in my pjs at 2 in the morning. But I have lots of arty dA things yet to do... >>;;
And you can still change the settings of your iPod so that you can put it in your iTunes. Just plug it in and set it to "Manually Manage Music." Then you can drag and drop the music from the iPod to the iTunes. :D
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