
Dec 06, 2007 22:08

So, Matt got shot at today.

I am absolutely not kidding.

He's okay.  Before I write any further, I want to make abundantly clear that he is okay.  As in, no bullets hit him.

But he got shot at.  With a gun.


Every fear and paranoia about ambulance work I have got reaffirmed.  I've struggled for a year plus to convince myself that at least working BLS he's okay, he won't get hurt, I shouldn't freak out when the phone rings because it'll be *that* call.  Yeah, return to square one.

His patient had a gun that neither he nor the family knew about.  She didn't want to go in to the nursing home.  She was fighting transport, but also has advanced alzheimer's, so her opinion on the matter really doesn't count, she reached into her bedside table and pulled out a gun.

Luckily, Matt and his partner (as well as the family?) duck well.  She fired all 5 shots (5 shot revolver, according to the police) into the wall.  But it started out aimed at Matt.

I'm...I don't know.

He's okay, so I don't know how to react.

He didn't tell me until he got home.

When he also mentioned that I'm (of course) his emergency contact on file with the station.

I'm feeling empty.

So...yeah.  When I seem clingy and paranoid--that's why.  Because as I wrote about the other day, I have death issues.  And...yeah. 
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