Take Me Out and Shoot Me.

Dec 04, 2007 08:26

I am SO over political science and geography right this instant.  Really, in the great scheme of things, that works out pretty well since this is my last semester of classes in either subject.  But...ARGH.

I've had...um...I'm currently forgetting how to count, but not enough sleep.  Up to 3:30 or so Sunday night writing the "Stupid Script Assignment of Stupid" for Dr. Ballard--I just "love" it when professors decide we should be "Creative".  No.  I don't want to be creative.  I want to analyze policy.  Well, I don't want to write fiction anyway.  The assignment was to write a 2-5 page proposition for a political movie (class is Film and Politics) including a list of characters with casting suggestions (I was loopy--Richard Gere as President anyone?  How about the guy who played Gandalf as an evil evangelist?  Oh yeah), an outline, and a prospective scene.  *gags*  Anyway, I was up WAY too long for such a short paper.  Woke up at 6:00 with Matt's alarm for work, but stayed in bed doing my cardio...er...trying to sleep until 9.

Had my meeting with an education advisor yesterday--you know, the one who on Friday was talking to me about Middle Grades Education and said, in this scary ominous voice, "You do know about the PHYSICS, right?!"  Umm...huh?  No, not really...
Got straightened out that in an attempt to "make students come to us" the Middle Grades program has sooper seekrit course requirements that aren't listed ANYWHERE.  These requirements also have not been mentioned to me when I've spoken with ANYONE in the past, oh, I don't know 3 and a half YEARS I've been talking to the college of education.  Yish (revisit for a moment that fact that it is, at this point, DECEMBER THIRD and I still don't have a schedule for spring semester...).  Anyway, luckily for someone's testicles I just happen to have been organized enough to have completed all general ed, major, and minor requirements for my base programs a semester ahead of schedule and have an open semester the spring before graduation (no, I didn't come into school with any DE credits, that is entirely the result of a couple 20 and 18 hour semesters).
Basically, despite middle grades ACTUALLY being divided by subject--like, in the schools, the State of Tennessee (and others, apparently), thinks it's a good idea to certify teachers for 4-8 to teach ALL subjects.  Yeah.  So I need to take a variety of low level classes in subjects I may have to teach.  Joy.

So--here's the schedule and plan.  Next semester I am taking (Marta--got a lunch time in here, considering I have almost NOTHING on MWF...)
Ed. Psych 401--TR 8:10-9:25
Economics 201--TR 9:40-10:55 (somehow this also has a lab on M 9:05-9:55, how does one have an economics lab? Do I want to know?)
Chemistry 160--TR 11:10-12:25 (this does not have a lab, it's "Chemistry in the Home")
Astronomy 152--TR 2:10-3:25 (also, non-lab course.  Title is "Planets, Glaxies, and Cosmology")
Special Ed 402--T 5:05-7:45 (I hate night classes so much...)

Yes, TR is going to BLOW so hard.  And no, I didn't want it that way.  This is LITERALLY the only way my schedule works.  *dies* At least I won't be bored taking all the same stuff, right?

In the summer I take a 6 hour middle grades methods and experience class and a 3 hour secondary methods course--have I mentioned that they're full term--meaning I need to learn to bilocate before my wedding in June.  Or something.  *twitch*

Then Fall/Spring I do my internship.  I'm hoping to get to do it primarily at the middle school near Matt's station, so we can move to Anderson Co. this summer, saving $200 a month or so in rent.

Then next Summer I take a reading education class and maybe one other grad class--the one other grad class depends on whether or not my committee will approve the secondary methods class to fill the slot.  I think they should.

And then I'm done.  I have a BA in Poli. Sci. with a minor in Geography and Middle Grades Education.  I also have an MS in Middle Grades Education.  And I can find a job.  And come back to UT in Dec. '09 for graduate hooding.

It doesn't sound so bad like that.

I'm already starting to think about things I can do my Action Research (read: Thesis) on--I'm maybe thinking something involving journaling?  We'll see.

Anyway...I got off track.  I met with the advisor, found out what I need to take, had some mild drama, made a schedule, turned in my schedule to the VA so hopefully I'll get my aid next semester, and then came home.

I got my church care package for finals yesterday.  YAY! Needed it so badly.  I've eaten all my homemade sour cream and onion oyster crackers already and am making good progress in my muddy buddies.  Back off the church lady food.

Brief nap, then started working on papers last night.  Wrote all of the missionary aid programs review by 1:30ish I think, and immediately started in on school voucher research.  At 2:30 I was ready to kill on site anyone who mentions vouchers and decided I should sleep.  Got to bed by 3.  Got up at 6, started writing again.  8:00am and the school voucher paper is 11 pages long, needed 10-15, decided to quit while I was ahead.  Printed.

Leave for class in 15 minutes, where I will stare blankly while people present and be glad I don't have a final.

I do have a final in Urban Politics though, so I need to hunt up a brain by 12:40.  We'll see.

I am officially of the Greater Unslept variety and all actions in the next 24 hours may not be held against me, that is all.
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