Jan 04, 2010 02:50
So the move went alright. Living in Karen's mom's basement till we find another place, hopefully downtown. Too much chaos going on though...have barely stopped moving/doing things every day for the past couple weeks. So freakin tired.
40hr Darkrave was awesome! Didn't go as much as I should've and didn't stay till the very end but I was exhausted an hadn't been able to dance properly for hours at that point.
New Years was also awesome, more so because Jade was here. I wish I hadn't been s busy while she was visiting, but wasn't much I could do about it in the end.
We moved my bed in my room today, so I'm currently sleeping on it upright to save space for now.
Work only gave me two shifts this week, tomorrow, 11:15-6:15 at Kennsington, and Saturday same time and place. Seriously need to find a second job and get a metropass so I can job search easier. Urrg...this city is too fucking expensive.
Things to do this week:
. Buy a Metropass
. Write new resume/print a bunch out
. See Michelle
. Take Samwise to vet 10am Tuesday
. Put clothes away.
. Buy Food.
. Find Wireless Card for PC.
. Call Rogers to cancel account.