Sep 25, 2006 16:55
so friday, i was at work, en route to a delivery; i was sitting in queue at the light at rt. 6 and 116, in scituate, and WHAM, i get rear-ended. the impact really wasn't much, all things considered, but it pushed me into the van sitting in front of me.
so the three cars involved pull over, a white saturn behind me, my little geo, and an old minivan in front of me. a woman gets out of the saturn, and a guy with three kids from the van. everyone is sort of in a wtf? sort of state, but it turns out that the woman in the saturn was hit from behind by some other lady in the process of the crazy bitch trying to pull around the traffic to make a right turn at the light. the saturn was pushed into my car, and robin (my car) into the van. the instigator of the whole thing, meanwhile, has taken off. fucking hit and run. the rear end of the saturn was pretty cracked up, and the back bumper of my car is distended where it joins up with the fenders. the van was fine, and everyone was basically okay, but noone had gotten a good look at the hit and run driver.
the lady that had been driving behind me called the police. several minutes later, a car pulled over on the other side of the road. a guy got out, walked over to us, and told us that he'd seen the accident, chased the woman down, and memorized her licence plate number. . . while the saturn lady was still on the phone with the police.
the guy with the van left, since his had no damage, but the saturn lady and i both filled out accident reports with the scituate police, which they said should be processed by today. in theory (and by theory i mean i really really hope) she should be arrested for this. either way, looks like someone's stuck taking the bus for a while. bitch.
. . .fucking batshit-crazy people.