Dec 08, 2008 18:59
Any ideas?
My right ankle/lower leg hurts when my heel is on the ground and holding my weight. Sometimes.
Kind of crinkly needle pinny, perhaps in the muscle, or nerve kind of hurt. Mild, and intermittent, but occasionally badly enough to make it hard to walk.
I didn't do anything that I know of. Started Friday that I just noticed that sometimes when I put my foot down it hurt a bit. A little more yesterday. Today, whenever I walk any distance it hurts some of the time.
It's five or six inches up from the floor, left and right sides, more toward the back then front. Doesn't hurt or even feel odd if I'm not walking, and doesn't hurt to touch, no swelling, redness or bruises.
I've looked for any pattern to the pain, but it isn't based on twisting, turning, uphill or down, stairs or flat. But it doesn't hurt if I don't put my heel down.
I've got insoles for plantar fasciatis, and while the type of pain is similar, it is in completely different place than I've ever had pain before. My heel feels fine, and my ankle really, too, its just the place up above my ankle.
Its very odd.