A new baby in town...

May 13, 2010 23:04

CAUTION : no animal has been molested during the shooting...
DISCLAIMER : Othello is the lovely property of newaly and my beloved godson!!!!!

Mummy and son (aka newaly and Othello)

Othello, first ferret to be introduced in a French law firm... (aka Othello visiting my office XDDD)

Contact... (in the role of Jodie foster... well..okay...)
So First contact between Othello the baby ferret and Luna the posh cat

and look what is in my hands!!!

For the fun, one of Othello's brother XDDDDDDDD

And lil sis and bro... (in fact he has 6 sis and bro, 4 albinos and 3 polecats XD)

othello, irl

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