Today I tested

May 10, 2010 23:33

Today, I tested the local press.
And I have to say that I took a great lesson of life: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF THE PRESS!!! Especially the local one...

It's not for the striking picccies!! (CAUTION to ppl who don't have their driver license: please notice that this is NOT the usual side to drive a car...)

Not for feature! ^^;;;
"Hey Didier, have you seen Franck?"
"Well isn't his stuff right there?"
"Here, just near the big hole in the roaf, just above the dead body..."
"Oh yeah... thks..." "

Nor the atonishing comms!!!!
(SIX beds for the price of THREE!!! Isn't that great XD)

Still not for the deadies (special quote for newaly )
 DISCLAIMER: nothing to laugh about the actual message but it always amazes me to see 50 years old women who dare to post in loving memory message under the nickname of "Gazelle"...

But for that! The unmistakable SUPREMACY of Lelouch! (Hail Britania!)
Okay I chocked on my coffee *WTF it's LH LOCAL PRESS after all!!!!*

Extract for the non french: "episode 10 to 25 showing this conflict between Brit invaders, Japanese resistance and Dark Knight of Lelouch, a student who possesses the GEAS that allowed him to manipulate anyone on a simple look in order to avenge his mother!!! (okay said like that...)
A face to face between Zero and Cornelia, a kidnapping and a mask that might fell!!

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via ljapp, today i tested

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