Title: Ten Things That Might Have Happened. Maybe. Fandom: Iron Man Pairing:Tony/Pepper Rating: PG Summary: If ten people were to ask them about how they finally officially became a couple, those ten people would get ten different answers. And there's no telling which of those answers are actually true and which are completely made up. A/N: The idea
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Dysania, Tony/Pepper, PG, 746 words It’s almost ironic that as soon as Pepper gets a short break from the cleanup happening in New York City, she ends up getting sick.
Title: Snow Angels Fandom: Iron Man Pairing: Tony/Pepper Summary: Tony and Pepper make snow angels. Doesn't get much fluffier than this, folks. Words: 414 Rating: everyone! A/N: This was written for the latest challenge over at its_always_been for this picture prompt:
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HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! Thanks for a fabulous year of fandom. You guys are amazing. Title: New Beginnings Fandom: Iron Man Characters: Tony/Pepper Word Count: 705 Rating: PG Author's Note: I wrote this last year, but I didn't get around to posting it in time for New Year's, so here it is!