Girl's Night Out

Feb 28, 2012 13:59

Girl’s Night Out

Title: Girl’s Night Out
Author: mae_marvelous
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Miami Medical
BINGO!: Plus Sign     Prompt: mister right
Characters: Serena Warren, Eva Zambrano, (slight) Chris Deleo
Summary: After a long shift, and the promise of sleeping in the next day, Serena wanted to celebrate with drinks and laughter and the possibility of meeting someone.
Notes: This drabble is part of an AU, based-on-prompts, series of fics for Miami Medical and more specifically the relationships between the Alpha Trauma Team. Fair warning: there is some femslash ahead. 1583 words.

“Drinks?” Serena asked Chris in the break room, as they all changed out of their scrubs and into their clothes.

After a long shift, and the promise of sleeping in the next day, Serena wanted to celebrate with drinks and laughter and the possibility of meeting someone. Every single one of their patients survived with very positive outcomes, and although stressful, the last half of their shifts had all been smooth surgeries with all their questions answered. As trauma surgeons, they knew that days like this were rare, and Serena was ready to let off some steam as a result.

“I can’t.” He said suddenly, tossing his scrub pants into the laundry bin like a basketball player.

“Hot date?” Eva asked with a knowing grin as she entered the room, and slid out of her scrub top to put on her dark blue tank top, and light jeans.

“Something like that.” He replied vaguely, before closing his locker tightly, and throwing his backpack straps over his shoulders. He then gave them each a wave and goodbye, before heading off to the parking lot.

“Eva?” Serena questioned, her voice hopeful.

“Yeah, count me in.” She replied with a playful grin. “Maybe we can get you a man.” She suggested, nudging the younger woman in her ribs with her elbow.

“Or we could find you a man.” Serena offered, as she followed Eva into the hallway down to the elevator. “Maybe we can find each other a date tonight.” She suggested suddenly, as Eva pressed the button for the lobby. “I want someone to tell me I’m pretty.” Serena added with a shy sort of smile.

“Oh, Serena.”

“I know. I know! I just want a little attention tonight. That’s all.” She said with a shrug, hoping that Eva wouldn’t question her insecurities.

Luckily for her, Eva seemed to take her response for what it was and instead changed the conversation to the day’s events. They discussed Chris’ mysterious departure and the fact that he was most likely dating a married woman or having an affair with a nurse. Serena thought it was a nurse, but Eva was convinced he was seeing a married woman - either way they both smelt the scandal and knew that by their next shift they would both pry him for information.

After a couple drinks had been drank and paid for, Eva nursed her martini with a grimace when the conversation turned to what she wanted in a man. Serena had already admitted her main concerns were good hygiene and the ability to tell he she looked good. Eva, on the other hand knew she was a bit pickier, if only because she wasn’t really looking for anyone.

“I want someone confident, but not cocky; intelligent, but not conceited; adventurous, but not reckless; charming, but not manipulative; passionate, but not uncompassionate…” She listed off absent-mindedly.

“Right, so basically you want Mr. Right?” Serena laughed out loud, before she took a sip of her drink.

“No, I don’t want… I’m not really looking.” Eva added with a chuckle, before she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder that didn’t belong to the blonde beside her.

“Well I am, and I think you’re beautiful.” A man with dark hair and deep green eyes told her with a sly grin.

“Thanks.” Eva mumbled between pursed lips, before shaking his hand off of her shoulder with a small laugh.

“I think you’re very beautiful, and I think I should buy you a drink and then we can get drunk and take advantage of each other.” He offered, his back blocking Serena as he looked directly to Eva.

“I think you should go.” She said then, her amused grin quickly shifted to something more serious.

“C’mon, I saw you looking at me from across the bar. I know you want me.”

“Listen, I’m not interested.” She deadpanned, rolling her eyes at the man as he puffed his chest out.

“Now you’re just playing hard to get…”

“She said you should leave… before you embarrass yourself further.” Serena interjected from behind him, her tone meant she wanted him to take her seriously. “Plus, I don’t appreciate you hitting on my girlfriend.” She added after a second thought, ignoring Eva’s look of surprise, and keeping her attention on the slimy man between her and Eva.

“Your… you mean you’re both…” He stumbled over the words, getting the reaction Serena expected.


“I’m just going to…” He stammered before he left them to go to the outside portion of the bar.

“What was that about? Now he’s going to think about us touching each other while he touches himself.” Eva commented with a disgusted expression and a small smile on the corner of her lips.

“Oh I doubt it. He’s a homophobe.” She replied easily.

“How can you tell?” Eva asked, before she took a small sip of her drink.

“Didn’t you see the way he was looking at that couple over there?” Serena asked, as she used her head to point to the two women in the corner laughing over their drinks.

“They’re a couple?” Eva questioned, staring at the two women with her eyes squinted to pick out anything that would give them away as to being a couple.

“Oh Eva.” Serena laughed, before turned her attention from the two women to the woman beside her. “I guess I have a pretty great gaydar, which might help with noticing his homophobia.” She offered, figuring that the drinks were probably helping her speak so freely. “Actually, if I’m being completely honest… you kind of made me question if you were a little gay.”

“Really?” She questioned with a curious, but playful grin before cocking an eyebrow, a hint of a blush on her cheeks. “I mean there may or may not have been a girl in medical school.” She added, before glancing back down to her drink.

“Details.” Serena demanded, her attention all on her friend.

“It was after the fiancé and before we graduated.” She told her simply, before pausing to take another sip of her martini. “It was nothing really, just trying to figure it all out.”

“And how did the experiment go?”

“She was… it was different.” Eva said after a moment, trying to wrack her brain for a description that would do it all justice. “Good, but different.”

They sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, each finishing off their drinks, lost in their own thoughts. Then suddenly the man from earlier briskly walked past them with what appeared to be a spilt drink down the front of his shirt and a frown. They both laughed then, discussing what he could have done this time to deserve a drink in the face.

“You know, I think I’m going to call it a night…” Serena sighed, as she took the last gulp of her drink before placing it back on the bar counter. “Want to share a cab? My house is on the way.” She asked when they reached the front door, both tabs paid and their purses in their hands.

“Sure.” Eva said simply, before slipping into the back of the nearest cab, and watching as Serena did the same.

“I can’t believe we didn’t find me a man.” She said suddenly, breaking the silence after giving her address to the cab driver.

“I can’t believe you need one to validate how you feel about yourself.” Eva commented, sneaking a glance to the blonde with a frown on her face.

“I’ve been a little rusty lately, and I guess I just wanted some attention.” She said shyly, before suddenly there was a hand on her cheek, stroking it softly.

And then Eva leaned in to her, smelling like something sweet and a little spicy, and her lips were less than an inch away. Serena inhaled deeply, staring into the other woman’s dark eyes, searching for answers. Then with all the strength she could muster, she placed her lips against the other woman’s in a sweet, reassuring kiss that tasted distinctly like martinis and something that had to be Eva.

Serena was about to pull away when she felt a hint of tongue on her bottom lip, and then her lips parted and the tongue slipped into her mouth. Their shy kiss suddenly turned into something much deeper, as her hands thread into the other woman’s hair. Eva’s hands lingered on Serena’s hips, as she urged the girl closer. It was hot and wet and Serena couldn’t help but feel as though she was falling and flying all in the same motion. Time seemed to slip by, as Eva began to rake her nails on the skin exposed between Serena’s jeans and shirt.

It wasn’t until the cab driver informed them that they reached their destination that they finally pulled away. Serena ran her fingers through her hair and felt her bruised lips fall into a shy smile. Eva simply gave her a playful grin, and pressed her lips against the younger woman for a quick, final kiss.

“Thanks. I needed that.” Serena admitted, knowing full well that her cheeks were flushed and her lipstick was smeared.

“Maybe we won’t tell Chris.” Eva suggested with a laugh.

“No, maybe not.” She agreed, handing her half of the cab fare over to the other doctor. “Or anyone else at work. You know how the rumours are.”

“That’s true. Have a great night, Serena.” Eva called out as the blonde stepped out of the cab.

~for a challange, rating: pg-13, ~written for love_bingo, character: chris deleo, &this is fandom, character: eva zambrano, ~based on a prompt, character: serena warren, -fandom: miami medical

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