Dirty Dancing With You (ES series)

Feb 20, 2012 23:57

Dirty Dancing With You (Table: A, Prompt: 03; dance)

Title: Dirty Dancing With You (ES series)
Author: mae_marvelous
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance, angst, het, smut(ish)
Table: A     Prompt: dance
Characters: Emma Swan, a stranger (aka Henry’s father)
Summary: With a coy glance she looked up to see a pair of dark gleaming eyes, and a wicked smile that only meant trouble.
Notes: The spoiler warnings go up until about episode 1x09, but it’s mostly AU. 667 words. This is part of an Emma Swan set of fics set in the same ~universe.

Her hips swayed to the beat, as she pushed her blonde hair out of her face. The smoky bar was hotter than it was outside, which had to be saying something for a balmy Phoenix summer evening. As the one song led into another, Emma drew in a deep breath, and staggered through the crowd, closer to the blaring music. She didn’t know what the song was called, or if she could even make out the words at this point, but her whole soul felt alive. She rocked her torso to the pumping music, when she felt an arm snake around her middle. With a coy glance she looked up to see a pair of dark gleaming eyes, and a wicked smile that only meant trouble.

He played with the hem of her tank top then, pushing it aside so that his hand to graze her bare skin. She fell into the touch, and tilted her head back to rest on his shoulder, as she moved her hips along to the music, and felt him do the same behind her. His voice was gruff in her ear as he whispered naughty things that she could only half-hear over the roar of the music. He then placed his left hand on her chest, right above her heart as she saw that there was a lack of a tan on his ring finger. It was a sign that he was most likely married, but she was past the point of caring.

If she was sober she probably would have smartened up, but she wasn’t and so she didn’t. He pulled her around, and slipped a hand into her cascading blonde hair, as he pulled her closer to him by her neck. His lips met her in a hungry kiss that was all passion and lust and want, that she just about lost her balance. She met his kiss as her lips fell apart, and he began to explore. Her one hand grasped at his hip, while the other played with the hair on the back of his neck. She ground her hips into his, as she felt him pull away from her, gasping for air.

“Wanna come back home with me?” She asked with her eyes wild and her smirk cocky.

After a year left to her own devices, having escaped from a form of hell called foster homes, she wasn’t about to let herself ever feel that lonely again. Instead she was used to sneaking into bars and flirting with men, and then dancing with them until she had enough or started to sober up. She wasn’t used to bringing them home, but it was close enough to her birthday that she didn’t want to spend it alone again, and there was something about the man with the dark eyes.

In the cab he couldn’t keep his hands or his eyes off of her, and she revelled in the attention. This was the closest thing to affection she had felt since being dumped from foster home to foster home, and she wasn’t about to lose it just yet. Instead she peppered his neck with kisses, and ignored the lies that came spewing out of his mouth. If Emma was one thing, she wasn’t an idiot. She could tell if someone was lying to her, but she didn’t care what this man had done or hadn’t done. She was invested in him as much as she wanted someone and he was a good fit.

As they stumbled into her dimly lit apartment, his hands gravitated to her ass, as she forgot to have the decency to apologize for the mess. When their eyes met again, she saw the realization in his that Emma wasn’t twenty-one, but she could swear he understood she knew he was married. It was a truce of sorts when she pressed her lips against his roughly. He ripped the clothes off her, and she did the same as they began a different kind of dance.

character: emma swan, -fandom: once upon a time, rating: pg-13, &this is fandom, rating: r, character: original male character, ~based on a prompt

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