Just Stay Close To Us

Feb 15, 2012 15:24

Just Stay Close To Us

Title: Just Stay Close To Us
Author: mae_marvelous
Rating: pg-13 maybe…
Genre: angst, friendship, comfort, romance, femslash
Fandom: Swingtown
Characters: Trina Decker, Susan Miller, and Janet Thompson
Summary: Janet doesn’t want to be underestimated by Trina or Susan, and Trina discovers why Janet snagged a hunk like Roger.
Notes: This takes place between two scenes during Swingtown’s ninth episode. Basically in my head it’s pretty much close to canon, or at least it could have happened. Spoilers for up to episode nine, I guess. Although, can I just point out that if this happened, then that means Janet has kissed both of the Deckers. Mmmm I wish. P.S. this was sort of based on a prompt from mssjade25 on Tumblr who wanted some Trina, Susan, and Janet. This is where that took me. I hope you all like it.

“…Maybe you shouldn’t underestimate me, Susan.” Janet explained with a simple tilt of her head as she met Trina’s eye for a moment. Her gaze then lingered back to Susan. “If Roger’s still with Bruce, we could call, and they could meet us at this club.” She added logically, deciding for herself that she was going to try more. She was going to meet her husband half-way, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to lose her friendship with Susan because of this new lifestyle. “I-I mean unless there’s a dress code.” She stammered the last part, mentally cursing herself for the hesitation, and the glance down at what she was wearing.

“Oh. There’s a dress code.” Trina replied with a knowing grin, and a sly smile, as she looked to Susan. “Why don’t we pick something for you out of my closet?” She suggested, deciding that she liked this Janet more than the first woman that she met.

“Wha- r-really?” Janet started, unsure if she could even pull off any of Trina’s outfits.

“Well if we’re going to do this, then let’s do it.” Trina said suddenly, with a smile on her face, and any hesitation of going to the club vanished. She then glanced back at Janet, and linked her free arm with the other woman’s. “There’s a few things you need to know about the Pendulum Club.” She explained, as Susan took Janet’s other arm to lead them to Trina’s room.

“Pendulum Club?” Janet questioned, as her voice began to falter.

Susan managed to smile at her friend, still unable to speak, as she was processing her night. Having had plans to meet up with another couple, she felt herself somewhat unsure if she was going to have Janet’s judging eyes on her. However there was something different about Janet today - a flicker of something that had Susan reassured.

“Don’t worry… Just stay close to us.” Trina offered as a way to comfort her, but Janet just inhaled deeply.

They slowly led Janet to Trina’s bedroom, trying to coax the skinny-dipping, pot brownie eating Janet back out of her shell. Once in her room, Trina placed the muffin tray on her dresser, and turned to her closet, debating what Janet should wear.

“N-nothing too modern, right, Trina?” Janet managed, as she took in all the dresses in Trina’s closet. Her eyes scanned their vibrant colours, low cuts, and short skirts. She may have been prepared to put on one of Trina’s dresses, but she wasn’t prepared to go in one of those dresses.

“What? Oh, sure thing, Janet, dear.” Trina replied, as she scanned the dresses that weren’t too modern.

“Why don’t you try this?” Susan asked, as she played with the hem of a deep red dress. Although the neckline had a bit of plunge to it, she figured it was one of the more conservative, but still acceptable alternatives.

“Okay, I’ll just head to the bathroom to change…” She began, taking in the shape of the red dress in her hand.

“Janet, we’re all women.” Trina exclaimed with a roll of her eyes, as she went to grab what she was going to wear.

“No, it’s fine Trina…” Susan said knowingly, as she pointed down the hall, “The bathroom is right down the hall here.” Susan offered.

“Thanks Susan.” Janet mumbled, as she sauntered out of the room, and into the hallway, before hearing her name from Trina’s lips. She lingered on the other side of the door then, trying to make out what they were saying.

“Janet sure is a shy little thing. Reminds me of a bird.” Trina said absent-mindedly, as she unbuttoned her pants, and slid out of them in one fluid movement. With her cream coloured underwear on display, Trina turned her back to Susan, and untied the top of her halter dress, and slid it over her head.

“Trina.” Susan warned, not wanting there to be any kind of fighting or negative energy between the two. She didn’t want a repeat of her housewarming party, or even the first half of their weekend cabin adventure. She just wanted them to try not to get on each other’s nerves, and she didn’t think it was that much to ask for.

“No, I don’t mean it as any kind of insult. I just wish she would have the confidence to spread her wings, you know?” Trina replied, as she slid into her dress. She then slid the zipper up on her left hip, before folding the top part to hide the seam.

“You know what; I’m just going to change here. I might need help with the zipper anyway.” Janet exclaimed suddenly, as she entered the room with her head held high. A quick glance at the other two showed Trina with her one eyebrow raised, and her in an evening dress, while Susan applied a touch more lipstick in the mirror. “So tell me about this club. Is it a disco?” She asked, as she began to unbutton her blouse.

“No, it’s more like… a cabaret.” Trina began, before deciding she might as well give her all the information a head of time. “An erotic one.”

“A sex club?” Janet sputtered, as her blouse fell to the floor, and she hastily reached for it to cover her front.

“Ummm… yes, I suppose so.” Susan replied, leaving the mirror long enough to check in with her friend.

“I-I don’t know…” She stammered, her confidence shaking as much as her legs.

“You’ll be with us.” Susan reassured her, not wanting to talk her into anything she didn’t want to do.

“You won’t leave me?” Janet asked shyly, as she held the blouse tightly to cover herself, trying to take in their expressions.

“Of course not.” Susan replied quickly, her face full of concern, but still reassuring.

“You’re stuck with us, kid.” Trina added after a small pause, her playful grin replaced with a kind one.

Janet nodded then, and turned her back to them, as she let her blouse fall to the floor, and slid out of her jean skirt. She then quickly slipped the red dress over her head and onto her body, ignoring the heat radiating from her cheeks. She felt embarrassed and empowered, but still unsure as she watched the garment float against her skin. She felt like she was in someone else’s clothes, which was the case, but it still felt like it.

“I just don’t want to be forgotten… Or replaced.” She added, her voice just above a whisper, as she turned back to face the other two women.

“Janet…” Susan began, but couldn’t find the words. Instead she brushed a few strands of her hair away from her face, and leaned in close. She then placed her lips gently against Janet’s, just grazing, as she placed a sweet, chaste kiss. Pulling back, Susan offered a quick swipe of her thumb against Janet’s cheek, trying her very best to comfort her friend. Janet quickly adverted her eyes, but Susan grabbed her by the chin and brought her gaze back up.

“I’m… I’ll just do my hair in the other room. Give you two a minute.” Trina said quietly, as she went to grab her brush, before Susan quickly linked her fingers between Trina’s.

“I don’t want either of you to feel like you’re being replaced or forgotten. You’re my best friends.” Susan pointed out, sharing her gaze between Trina and Janet.

“Do you kiss all your best friends?” Trina asked with a laugh, before suddenly Susan released her grip, and instead slid her fingers through Trina’s hair. She then placed her lips against Trina’s in the same sort of chaste kiss that left Trina inhaling deeply afterwards, and wondering what had gotten over her. “Apparently you do…” She said with a laugh, unsure of exactly how to respond.

“Trina?” Janet questioned, as Trina noticed that she was all of a sudden right beside Susan.

“Hmmmm….?” Trina began, before a different set of hesitant lips were against hers. With her eyes wide open, Trina glanced at the mess of dark hair so close to her line of vision, before she slowly closed her eyes, and the kiss deepened. It was no longer a simple peck, or the kind of kiss you would expect a friend to give another. Instead Janet’s tongue began to seek out Trina’s in a way that brought a moan out of the back of Trina’s throat, as she clutched onto the other woman’s hips for support. It was the kind of kiss that caused bruised lips and smeared lipstick and caused Trina to lose her breath.

“MM… oh…” Trina finally mumbled when they pulled away from each other. “Wow, this must be how you snagged…” She began, before Janet cut her off.

“Your muffins tasted really good, Trina. I should have told you then.”

“You’re going to kiss me, and then talk about my muffins?” Trina laughed, as she heard Susan join in with a chuckle.

“Oh! I didn’t mean… I mean I’m not… I don’t… It’s not that I haven’t thought… because I think… I’m just…” She stammered, running her fingers though her hair, and her eyes quickly averted back to the ground.

“Janet?” Susan asked, as she placed her hand on her friend’s wrist.

“Yes?” She asked, as she finally met her gaze.

“You’re beautiful, and we’re going to have a wonderful time tonight, okay?” Susan explained; her voice sweet as honey, although Janet noted it was a tad deeper than normal. And it was in that moment that Janet looked at both the women, that she never felt prettier than in their eyes.

“I just want you to relax…” Susan added, before her lips met in a sweet spot on Janet’s neck. Susan wasn’t sure exactly what she was doing, but she knew that she wanted to prove to Janet that she couldn’t be forgotten or replaced. She wanted to prove that she cared for her, that she only wanted the best for her. That she loved her.

Susan then crept in closer to Janet, with her lips still placing soft kisses on her neck, Janet reached out for Trina’s hand. Trina gave it to her, and let out a surprised gasp when Janet pulled her in closer, and once again placed her lips against her. Trina placed her hands around Susan’s middle, as the redhead stood flushed against both women with her front to Janet and her back to Trina. After pulling away from the kiss, Trina backed away from them, shaking her head, with a still playful grin on her lips.

“Listen, as much as I would like to… I’m afraid I need to bow out. Tom and I… we’re not. Our marriage is closed, and so I can’t. In good conscience I can’t.” She explained, as she watched Janet turn Susan around by her middle, and placed a kiss on the base of her neck from behind her.

“But you can watch.” Janet admitted teasingly, as she pushed Susan’s red hair away from her neck.

“Damnit Janet.” Trina coughed out, as she watched the two women meet again in a far less chaste, and much more lust-fueled kiss.

Despite the fact that neither went farther than kissing, Trina couldn’t help but feel immensely turned on by the whole thing. They were necking like teenagers, and it was almost torture to keep her hands to herself, as she sat on the chair near her vanity and watched them. She watched as Susan grazed Janet’s jaw with her mouth, and her fingers threaded through her hair. Trina couldn’t help but almost whimper when she heard Janet let out a moan. It was all too much, but when they finally pulled away, both looking at her with smeared lipstick and messy hair, Trina offered a playful grin and a chuckle.

“We better get a move on, ladies. We’re sure going to need to reapply some make-up, and umm Janet… I think we’re going to need to do something with your hair.” She pointed out, as they both looked at themselves in the mirror and laughed.

“Are you still nervous?” Susan asked, as she crossed the room to grab Trina’s bush and run it through her red hair.

“I… As long I’m with you two then I’ll be fine.” Janet confessed, her shy smile gone and replaced with something more playful.

“Just stay close to us.” Trina repeated from earlier in the conversation, as she grabbed a cloth to help Janet wipe off the mixture of lipsticks around her mouth. “But maybe not too close…” She added as an afterthought, as the women all laughed.

rating: pg-13, &this is fandom, rating: r, character: trina decker, ~based on a prompt, ~this is a gift, character: janet thompson, -fandom: swingtown, character: susan miller

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