Too Much Goings On...

Nov 28, 2005 16:08

Wow, where to start... Well, the four day T-day feast/party was a success, much fun,food, drink and hot tubbing was had by all, it seems. I got the Deck finished just in time for the party, also, was putting in the last screws as it was being covered in snow. I didn't take any pictures 'til today 'cuz I wanted to show what it actually looked like, not the snow sculpture it turned into.

The snow melted and it was 65 degrees today! Still, nature was working against me finishing up some details like the brick work due to things like, sporadic rain, exploding glue tubes and the like. So I took it as a sign I should just give up for today and start again tomorrow.

It's been a hell of a few days. My friend Lee's father died the eve of Thanksgiving, so we went out and bar crawled him around Thursday night, then again Friday morning on the way back to my place. The funeral was today, and I must say, it was one unique funeral. First time I ever drank beer in a church, not too mention the mad amount of random blaspheming goingo on in our little discussion group, complete with a discourse on Satanism.

Definitely a different day.

All in all, with the good and the bad, it was one seriously interesting weekend.

Well, when I have more coherent thoughts on the subject, I'll write more, in the mean time, here's pics of the completed deck and the completed kitchen, post four days of party, so excuse the mess..

Well, I'm off for some relaxation and my continuing addiction to the TV show Lost which I've been cracking out on via downloads.

More to come.
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