And so it begins...

Jun 13, 2012 17:57

The title of this post is not a reference to the brilliant TV series Babylon 5 but instead the start of the countdown to something even better, my wedding.

Last year in a field surrounded by revellers, having been primed with a bit of wine, Miss Emma Claire Rhodes asked me if I would accept the honour of becoming her husband. After my initial response of "I'm sorry, what?" I eagerly agreed. We were very organized and soon we had a date, a church, a hotel and a fair idea of a guest list. Not bad given that we still had a year and two months to go until the big day.

Skip forward six months...

We still have a date, a church, a hotel and a fair idea of a guest list but nothing else as of yet. What with me setting up my own business as a handyman (shameless plug) and various other bits and bobs we've not progressed any further (although there may have been some dress decisions, they are beyond my purview thank god).

I have been reliably informed that there are only 268 days left until my wedding so I thought it time that I got my arse in gear and started doing all those things I said I'd do months ago. The first of which is setting up a website!

All weddings have websites these days and they do seem to make things a bit easier as you can dump so much information on them it allows you to be sparing with words on the invites. True there will still have to be a few traditional bundles roughly the size of the Thompson Local with full details sent out to a few technologically challenged family members but any saving, even if it's a few pence on a stamp gets me a few metres closer to my preferred honeymoon destination.

Welcome page started, needs a lot of work not to mention a nice photo of me and Em. RSVP page started, just trying to get the wording right. Blog page started, this blog post posted there (and cross-posted to various other places too). Right then. Not a bad few hours work, time for some celebratory Skyrim I think...

My next tasks involve knocking together a few prototypes for Save the Dates and Invites and looking for a couple of sources of classic cars...


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