It's been a while...

Mar 22, 2011 15:34

Heya Folks,

It's been a while since I graced these pages with my tedious meanderings but have decided to give it a go once more. I reckon I can manage a week or two before I forget again :)

For anyone who followed my previous exploits Operation: KITCHEN came off pretty well in the end. I still have the 'trimmings' to complete (footboards, architrave etc) but it is (and has been for some time) a lovely kitchen with everything exactly where I want it :)

I managed to read a couple less books last year (56) than the year before (61) all of which can be seen on Facebook Visual Bookshelf here -> but I'll probably do a post on here so I can easily see what I've read in the years to come.

This year, what I am foolishly calling the one hundred 2011, has been a very slow start with me only finishing my first book today. Yep, three months and only one book finished. I've started loads but haven't had the presence of mind to complete them. At the end of each month I'm going to steal an idea from Simon Guerrier and post here what I've started / finished reading this month.

What else is new in the Life of Craig... Ooo, I am now a technically qualified Domestic Electrician but have yet to join a scheme (until which point I am not actually qualified) but there are a few snags in my way, most of which I hope to overcome relatively soon. I'll post about this separately (unless I forget and this is my only post for months).

Anyways, this afternoon did not prove to be as sunny as I hoped so I went crazy and cleaned the bathroom instead of sitting in the sun and making some little buildings :) I did manage to make one little feudal Japanese style woodcutters hut, including a gable ended roof which I'd not done before. Once I've got it painted up (in about 12 years time if past little building painting experience is any thing to go by) I'll post some pictures here and on FB.

I've been told that saying 'laters' at the end of my posts makes me seem like a a bit of a knob so I have decided to henceforth replace it with the same sign off I use in my Flintloque / Orcs in the Webbe updates, Keep The Flag Flying. Whether or not that sounds less knobby I don't know :)

Keep the Flag Flying !



shattered glass, house, the one hundred 2010, electrics, the one hundred 2011

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