Operation: KITCHEN - Worktop Day...

Sep 30, 2010 08:51

Well yesterday went pretty well:

I changed a few plug sockets so they'd look better in regards to the new location for the fridge and dishwasher.

I finished painting up the old crappy looking wooden window sill in shiny white gloss (it made so much difference, can't believe I didn't think of it years ago).

I assembled the last base unit but sadly the box had been bashed about a bit and there's a massive chunk of the door missing (must have been a hell of a bash, it's a real wood door). Thankfully the local Wickes will just swap it for me if I take it in.

I put all the units in there final resting places. They're not fixed in yet but it gives a nice sense of how the kitchen will be.

I finally managed to fit the last few edging tiles, no more tiling (or so I thought, see woes below).

And the big bit of yesterday I took out the old sink. This was being held to the wall with a single bit of 2 by 4 and alot of hope. All the waste pipes and water supply pipes have been cut back ready to plumb in new sink tomorrow. Push fit stop ends really prove their worth for something like this, just pop them on and voila and tomorrow they will come off just as easily.

Woes - Sadly during the moving of the fridge to get into socket a simple jar containing a nice vinegar/teriaki dressing for salad tumbled out of the fridge and landed on the corner of one off the as yet ungrouted tiles and shattered it. Yep I now have to remove the broken tile without damaging the underfloor heating elements. Not a hard job but a slow and time consuming one. Ah well, it could have been something much worse.

Today I will mostly be cutting worktops to the right shapes and sizes, I have two 3 metre long sections of extremely heavy worktop to beat into shape before I head off to college for the learning this afternoon.

First though I'm off to Wickes to get some new jigsaw blades and swap the door.



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